BI-MwA MALS Detector
Quickly, easily, and accurately determine absolute molecular weights of proteins and polymers with
The BI-MwA is simple to use, but incorporates sophisticated features for your size exclusion chromatography applications. Inject your sample into the low-volume, 7-angle flow cell. The sample is illuminated by a temperature stabilized, precision power-controlled diode laser. The ultra-stable, high-sensitivity, low-noise CCD detector automatically collects the scattered light. Then, the software extrapolates the data to zero angle for the absolute molecular weight determination.
There are two ways to use the BI-MwA: determine the molecular weight distribution (flow mode); determine the average molecular weight (batch-mode). Macromolecular samples often have a range of molecular weights. In some cases, this distribution is quite narrow, and in other cases, it is very broad and/or multimodal. Variations in the distribution can indicate the presence of impurities or aggregation. However, for other applications, the average molecular weight is sufficient to characterize your sample. Sometimes the distribution is of interest, and sometimes the overall average is sufficient. Either way, the BI-MwA is the right tool for the job.
NanoDLS Detector
The NanoDLS is the gateway to absolute nanoparticle sizing including proteins and their aggregates (oligomers), polymers, dendrimers, micelles, and other colloidal materials. Either online (ASEC or GPC/SEC), or in batch-mode, it is an excellent tool for determination of hydrodynamic radii from 0.5 nm to a few microns.
Based on the principles of dynamic light scattering, the NanoDLS uses an automatic, variablepower laser at 638 nm, maximum 35 mW power, a patented* optical cell design, a single-mode fiber, a self-protecting avalanche photodiode and a 25ns/522-channel digital autocorrelator. Due to the patented* cell, the NanoDLS can measure samples from extremely low to high concentrations. Such a design allows for small volumes and a vertical flow pattern, minimizing the effects of bubbles.
For globular proteins and other rare samples, sizes are often small and concentrations low. Because of its unique and patented cell design, the NanoDLS makes obtaining reliable data from such samples easy. In addition aggregate (oligomer) formation is readily probed because light scattering is supremely sensitive to small amounts of larger species.
The NanoDLS is a superb addition to existing and new chromatography systems for the characterization of proteins and polymers since the instrument enables particle sizing without column or instrument calibration. The high sensitivity and small-volume cell allows for low sample concentrations and small injection volumes. These features lead to accurate, absolute data from minute amounts of sample